Online Ayurvedic Consultation

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A Holistic Approach for Complete Healing

“Mrithyorma Amrtham Gamaya”

Ayurvedic Consultation

“Swasthasya Swaasthya rakshanam”Maintain or preserve the health (Swaasthya) of a healthy person (Swastha) is one of the main aims of Ayurveda. Healthy means not merely absence of any disease or sickness but a complete balanced state of Body, Mind and Soul (Spirit). We help you to achieve this, bring happiness to your life and heal yourself if you have any imbalance.

 What to expect:

Ayurvedic consultation includes complete evaluation of medical, physical, emotional and lifestyle assessments by our professionally qualified (BAMS -Bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine and Surgery) and experienced team of Ayurvedic physicians from India.

The consultation provides you the following things

  1. Your constitution (Prakriti)
  2. Your imbalance (Vikriti), if any
  3. Guidelines to bring back the balance
  4. Do’s and don’ts list
  5. Diet and lifestyle recommendations
  6. Custom-made daily routine plan
  7. Herbal prescriptions
  8. Online Breathing techniques coaching (30 minutes)
  9. Guided Meditation – audio clip
  10. Yoga Nidra – audio clip
  11. If required, will recommend to sign in our ‘Tailor-Made Home Cleanses

Ayurvedic consultation is not only an enquiry about you at the physical or physiological level, but also an attempt to understand your lifestyle, routines, diet, relationships, profession, work and mental health, that is, a complete evaluation which helps the physician to determine suitable guidelines and treatment protocols.

Our consultation can take 60 minutes, face to face consultation, through Skype or Zoom or Google Duo.

There will be a 30 minutes FREE Online Pranayama session included with our full consultation (which you can book either with your consultation or any other time (within 10 days) depending on our bookings).

Our goal:

To support you from the inner core throughout the healing pathway with our skills, knowledge, compassion and understanding through the rays of Ayurvedic wisdom.

Ayurvedic Diagnosis

Ayurvedic diagnosis is much different from the conventional concept. Naming or diagnosing a disease is essential, but most important is assessing the state of imbalance of the Doshas (Vital energies), the etiology to breakdown the disease, the target tissues and the stage of progress of the disease. Ayurveda treats not only at the disease level (Roga Pareeksha), but also at the patient level (Rogi pareeksha). So recommendations of treatments and medicines are based on the above mentioned points to make it more tailored.

Roga Pareeksha:

(Disease examination): Diagnosis of disease and its aliments such as etiology, early symptoms, signs and symptoms, pathogenesis and understanding the causes of aggravation of the disease.

Rogi Pareekasha:

(Patient examination): Examination of the patient’s body constitution (Prakriti), pathology (Vikriti), strength of body tissues, immunity, body built and measurements, compatibility, mental strength, appetite, exercise capacity, age and all other general examination.
